Friday, March 03, 2006

An Update

At 330 last thursday (7 days ago) my stressful school workload ended. Since then I have done almost no work. I have relaxed however. Something I have tried to do several times in that week period was to update this blog. The task of trying to cover everything I havn't had time to say since my last entry proved too difficult however, and thus I have now decided to say none of it, or at least very little. Suffice to say, I was busy and I was stressed. Then my work ended and I became lonely and pensive. Now I'm back at something closer to normal. I am however a bit worried by my current routine; I get up late, feel tired and lazy all day, and then go to bed early. I think I need to fix that.


Blogger Unknown said...

Party! *Catan* party!
And here is the 50% royalty on my post:

Yes, that's right, nothing.

9:30 PM  

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