Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Needle (in the hay?)

I got a flu shot this weekend. I strongly dislike shots. Every time it goes something like this. I am sitting in a chair, with my shirt off and someone dabbing my arm. I'm thinking about how irrational it is to dislike needles, and that they really arn't that bad. Next, injection starts. I start thinking "I can barely feel this, why do I dislike this so much". Then I start daydreaming or something. Next thing I know someone sounds really panicked. Then I feel a lot of tugging on my arm. I open my eyes, and somehow I'm lying sideways on the ground, with someone asking "can you hear me? are you alright?" over and over again. I am about to answer when they ask again, and so I think "that's rude, why don't they let me answer first? very impolite of them". Then it starts to dawn on me that something is wrong about the whole scenario. Why am I on my side? Wasn't I in a chair? Yes I was, I was getting a shot. Then why am I on the ground? And why is someone (usually my dad since he is a doctor) shaking me? And then I realize: "damn it, I blacked out". And then I realize that my whole body is completely rigged and that I havnt' answered yet, and that they are waiting for an answer from me. And then I relax my body and say something. And after about 5 minutes I can crawl into bed, and after 15 more minutes I'm back to normal.

So, that is why I dislike shots. Every time I black out and have a near seizure. It's not that I'm afraid of them. They are just a little needle. I dislike them, but I normally forget why. The thing is, I normally don't get a feeling like "i'm getting dizzy, maybe i'll pass out". It's just me thinking "this isn't so bad" then realizing I'm on the floor. Apparently it has something to do with being a tall guy with low blood pressure. Although not all tall guys get it, so I guess I have a special ability in this regard.

What is most interesting about the whole procedure is thay when you come out of it you are thinking very very slowly. Someone says something to you, but it takes 15 seconds before you can actually mouth a reply, even though you realize that it is important and that you should reply right away. And also, it's very refreshing in a way. It clears out any stress you had and you feel like you are coming out of a very restful sleep. That is not to say it's pleasant. Because it's not. Anyhow, that is why I dislike needles.


Blogger Unknown said...

I guess you'll just have to smoke your drugs, then.

Needles are fun! But not when they poke you. And actually I'm talking about sewing needles.

Yeah, that was a waste of time. :P

11:57 PM  
Blogger Stew said...

omg San that was pointless

11:39 AM  
Blogger Jordan said...

Well it certainly keeps me that much farther away from injection drugs. Because a passed out guy on heroine does not sound pleasant.

7:54 PM  

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