Monday, November 14, 2005

Freedom and blue skies and so forth

I officially finished my essays at just past 11 this morning, giving me an entire hour of spare time before class. And lo, the clouds parted and the sun came out shining and there was rejoicing, for I was now free from the oppressive tyranny of papers. It is odd how you can be so utterly tired when you have work to do, but the moment it is done you get a new spring in your step. At least I do. Or rather I get a new dance in my step, because dancing around when you are bad at dancing and singing along with rock songs when you are bad at singing is a lot of fun. I have a full 9 days before my next paper is due. In the meantime the only significant events on my calendar are "B-day" and "Celebrities". Before you get excited, it is neither my birthday, nor do I know any celebrities. The important point here is free time.

Also, apparently Mont Saint Michel is, or was, in danger of low tide levels. Now, as a kid there are few places as awsome as Mont Saint Michel. It is basically a castle built far enough from the sea so that it is not immedately apparent that it is on an island. And at high tide water rushes in around it. So, at one point there is land in every direction, and a few hours later you are in the middle of the ocean. In short, as a child I thought that this was about the coolest place that actually exists in the world. I even bought a sword there. Anyhow, apparently the causeway funneling tourists in is causing the seabed to rise, and thus the water is less exciting. So they have decided to spend lots of money to restore it and try to raise the water level around the island. Somewhat ironic considering the danger that rising water levels present most places. Then again this is a castle. It needs danger.


Blogger Unknown said...

Swords are creepy when they have been nicked off of the body of a dead man.

...Just saying.

5:43 PM  

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