Sunday, October 30, 2005

Who can address America and not sound like a bad Ginsberg imitation? (Not me)

My dearest America,
Did you really think it would help?
Those bombs I mean.
Is terrorism being defeated?
Do you remember Afghanistan?
How about Bin Laden?
Don't get me wrong America,
I sympathize.
It gets frustrating, those little stings.
How they irritate and irritate.
Even killing the mosquito never seems like quite enough,
does it?
If only one could blow up the swamp and get rid of them
once and for all.
But it doesn't work that way America.
Blow up a swamp and what do you get?
A crater at first,
but then the water rushes back in and lo:
A new swamp.
I'm sorry America,
I really am,
But sometimes bombs arn't the answer.
Sometimes there isn't an answer at all.


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