Saturday, October 29, 2005

Returning to the interwebosphere

This will be my ostensibly triumphant return to blogging. Let's start things off with a nice little quote from philosopher and raving madman Nietzsche, a quote which will set a mood and tone which I can only assume will have little to do with whatever I happen to write here at subsequent points in space and/or time.

Now I go alone, my disciples, You, too, go now, alone.
Thus I want it.
Go away from me and resist Zarathustra! And even bet-
ter: be ashamed of him! Perhaps he deceived you.
The man of knowledge must not only love his enemies, he
must also be able to hate his friends.
One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing
but a pupil. And why do you not want to pluck at my wreath?
You revere me; but what if your reverence tumbles one
day? Beware lest a statue slay you.
You say that you believe in Zarathustra? But what mat-
ters Zarathustra? You are my believers-but what matter all
You had not yet sought yourselves; and you found me.
Thus do all believers; therefore all faith amounts to so little.
Now I bid you all lose me and find yourselves; and only
when you have all denied me will I return to you.

Friedrch Nietzsche
Thus Spake Zarathustra


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