Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Gomery and Krispy Kreme

So, the Gomerry report (initial release version) came out today. Momentous day? It doesn't really seem like it. Sure, political bickering will go up, but somehow I don't think the liberals will get overthrown. Basically the report didn't say anything that wasn't known last summer, and it exonerated Paul Martin. And really, I think most people are too tired of the affair to get their tempers up again, unless of course something new had come up. Ideally we could get rid of the liberals for a bit to "punish" them, but when you look at the alternatives...a conservative government is so very much worse. And, those liberal party members that were involved in the sponsorship scandal have either retired of have now been sacked. And personally, the way I see it, it seems like the liberals might now be one of the least corrupt parties because they just got purged. Anyhow, enough politics.
Oh right, and the second half of my title. Donuts. Tasty? Yes. Unhealthy? Yes. Evidence of a massive government conspiracy? Maybe. All of that is irrelevant though. The real question is: will donuts save lives? Yes. Or so charitable organizations will have you believe. Recently there has been a booth at the SUB selling donuts, with proceeds going to the victims of the Kashmir earthquake. This way they trick people into saving lives by appealing to their poor dietary decisions. Buy a few donuts? Hah! Now someone in Kashmir is that much closer to not dying in the next few days. Anyhow, the other day I went and purchased a donut, and was feeling unusually charitable, so I gave them 20$ for a donut. And they didn't seem to understand. They tried giving my change, and when I explained that I was just donating the rest they told me that for 20$ I could get more donuts. So, I explained again that I wanted to put my change in one of their little donation boxes. And they sort of looked at me in an odd way. So, my point is...was what I did all that odd? Are the type of people who buy donuts completely distinct from the type of people who would donate money to charity? Did little devil horns pop out of my head and startle them? Although, I was in a hoodie. There is something about hoodies. Tall white guy in a black hoodie? He's up to no good it seems. People seem genuinely surprised when I am polite, or purchase merchandise without shifty eyes. But now is not the time for an essay on the hoodie. Now is a time to discuss donuts. Tasty, original glazed, donuts. mmm.... donuts...


Blogger Unknown said...

Mmm... I do like the devil's food cake one better, though. Want to go to the States? Delta is just too far away to travel. :P

I don't think tomorrow's doughnut sale will be a charity event, unless you want to donate to my education. That is, you can give me $20 and I'll give you one doughnut.

What is with the American spelling of that anyways? I do say, do-nut do that. It hurts! It hurts almost as much as my very lame pun. :(

I stop now.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

Something was whispering in the back of my mind that something was wrong with my post....and that was it! I completely forgot how to spell doughnut properly. This is a bad sign. Am I going senile at age 20? Well...yes... i've been going downhill since birth.

8:13 PM  

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