Saturday, November 05, 2005

The title of this blog

When I was young I was, for the most part, completely indifferent to music. It wasn't until I was in grade 10 that I took any interest in it at all. Sure, music would often be playing when I was around, and if you asked me if I like it I'd reply with a mild affrimative, almost irregardless of what was playing. Sure, i might know the difference between britney spears and the beatles, and then there was piano music (as I thought of classical music). My knowledge of the subject was basically limited to whatever band names I overheard in conversations. It just didn't speak to me. A few printed words could say so much more than all these noises. Sure, they can be pleasant, I guess, but what more? When i got my first cd player, as part of a radio, tape, cd combo box for christmas, I felt the need to play a cd. Not because of the music you see, but because it fascinated me that these little disc things would start spinning and make a bunch of different noises. It so happens that the cd which I chose for this endeavor, from those which had appeared, unwanted, during the christmas holiday, was a "Best of james bond" soundtrack type deal. And actually, some of the music on it isn't bad. So for a while that was the extent of my music collection. So, here is where we actually get to grade 10. I was over at Dan's house, one of my closest friends at the time, and he put some Matthew Good Band on. Beautiful Midnight to be exact. One thing worth noting about Dan's house is that he has a pool table. So, we were playing pool on this occasion. And a thing about pool is that it gives you a lot of time to let your mind wander, in this case my mind wandered to the music being played. Because, there was something different about this music. The song wasn't about yellow submarines, or all my love, or (even worse) about whatever pop songs were about at the time. This music really spoke to me, as a lonely teenager questioning life and society. And so, after listening to this several times at Dan's I added it to my birthday list (or christmas? a gift giving event of some sort). And eventually it arrived. I think those that knew me in my last few years at high school would be inclined to agree that as far as music was concerned, I was a matt good addict. When I first got Beautiful Midnight I'd play in for hours night after night...I reached a point at which I could recite the lyrics to any song on that cd such that I could leave the room and return at any point and still be reciting (I hesitate to say singing) at exactly the right moment. Now, that may not neccesarily sound that impressive, but for me that was a feat I've never come anywhere near acheiving again. Indeed, I doubt there is any song right now I could actually write out the lyrics to. After a while I diversified my music tastes slightly, to bands such as matchbox 20, our lady peace, live, goo goo dolls and bands of that nature. As of now I have 2765 songs in my itunes. And I don't listen to much matt good anymore. I don't like his new stuff much. Not that I dislike his old stuff now, but I have just heard it so much, and it doesn't speak to who I am as much anymore. And if you were not aware, the title of this blog, "Dancing Invisible", is an early matt good song.


Blogger Unknown said...

I have a bumper sticker that says, "MATT GOOD'S AN ASSHOLE"... I got it at a Snow Jam thingy that I went to ages ago. Too bad Matt Good was apparently drunk, and forgot half of the words for "Hello Time Bomb"... Maybe you should have been there to help him out. :P
"Beautiful Midnight" is a good album... but I don't think I really found something I loved until I listened to the Tea Party.

And speaking of music, it's time to start learning Christmas songs on the paino! :D

3:07 PM  
Blogger Stew said...

... but Britney's awesome.

San, what is this paino you speak of? Could it, perchance, be an ancestor to the piano?

5:52 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I questioned her about this "paino"...and she claims her family has had one since she was a newborn. Personally, I'd really like to see what it is, as long as it doesn't inflict pain upon its listeners (as its name might imply).

10:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What are you talking about? It's not the paino you have to be worried about... I thought I was the one who inflicted pain upon my listeners. *wields Magic Purse of Pain +2*

11:12 AM  

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