Thursday, December 15, 2005

Only one final left

Yes, I am still alive, despite all indications to the contrary. I am tired, stressed out, emotionally drained, and feed up with school, but I am alive. At noon today I handed in three short essays, thus leaving me with only a single exam left on december 21st (at the intellectually stimulating hour of 830am). I am feeling relatively relieved at the moment though. I need the break. I also need to work harder next term. But it seems to be the trend that I "slack off" first term, so if trends (and by trends I mean last year) continue then I should do better next term. Also, in hockey news Dan Cloutier is out for the season. I still don't know what to make of this. If Auld and Ouellet play well then Vancouver is in a really good position, especially with the extra money to go buy another solid player or two. If our (here I speak on behalf of the Canucks, as is my privilege) goaltending falters however, we will be forced to trade away key players for a starting goaltender. And with Cloutier injured, our options are limited since most teams would require a goaltender in return. Let us see how the game against the Flyers goes tonight.
Also, there is a chance (however slim), that fates will conspire to prevent me from updating this blog before christmas, so, to avert catastrophe, I have no choice but to wish you all Happy Holidays. Enjoy them. Go forth and prosper. Prosper and be merry. That is all.


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