Friday, December 16, 2005


I am a prolific daydreamer. Basically from the time I get up and into the shower I have already begun. I take very long showers, more than twenty minutes on average, but I don't exactly do a lot in there. Shampoo and soap, no conditioner. What does take up a lot of time is daydreaming. I'd say that from the time I step into the shower I spend a good 15 minutes completely zoned out and letting water run down my back before coming to and actually bathing. Next is breakfast, although this really applies to every meal. Meals are a tricky thing for me, because on occasion I really get into the whole process, paying attention to the whole event, and savouring each bite. Other times I sit down and don't really realize I'm eating until I notice I've stopped chewing and my plate is empty. Breakfast is generally more of the later, although that may be down to having just gotten up. Walking normally involves daydreams about samurai, daring exploits (on my part of course) and passerbyers turning into ninja assassins. I am often surprised how much I daydream in class. I always think I am paying attention, but then I realize I was thinking about the implications of something that was said earlier and missed 10 mintues of lecture. Conversations. Now, it may surprise some people to learn how much I daydream in social settings. In one on one conversations I do not, unless there is a break in the conversation (which is why I often go "huh?" as if I was deaf). In a situation with multiple persons, I am very likely to sit in my corner and daydream, oblivious to what is being said.

Now, much of this is hyperbolic (except the shower part; no matter how hard I try I can't shower in the morning without zoning out). I really do spend a lot of time daydreaming though. The real shame of it all is that I rarely have good dreams anymore. I mean dreams that are original and exciting. I really have two types of daydreams, philosophy daydreams, which is more or less me withdrawing from reality to think about the implications of this or that theory, and fantasy daydreams, which generally involve elves, or battles, or magic. Things you find in fantasy novels. Now, other than causing my status as a respectable human being to plummet drastically, this has the effect of making most of my dreams mundane. I think about exciting adventures all day, so when I dream about exciting adventures...well...they just arn't very exciting anymore. And I miss that. Waking up with a smile on your face because of a dream...that is an awsome feeling. On a somewhat related note, I slept for about 13 hours last night. No notable dreams, but it was refreshing. One could go so far as to say that I am refreshed. Revitalized even. We'll see how long it lasts. I do still have an exam, as much as I am trying to ignore it.


Blogger Unknown said...

The bathroom is a marvelous place. I think I've had some of the best ideas while using the various facilities contained within.

I won't go into detail, I promise.

11:41 PM  

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